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Friday, July 3, 2009

Iran views: Quiet but not normal

President Ahmadinejad talks to a construction work in Tehran

Three Iranians in Tehran tell the BBC News website of their experiences of the post-election unrest and its aftermath.

Afshin, Tehran, via instant messenger

SMS text messaging is now back. A friend forwarded me a message he was sent, trying to scare him off posting on Facebook or the internet. It said: "This is the first and last warning!"

I was arrested on 22 June. There were lots of militia on the street, waiting for the crowds. It was a silent protest, but they didn't let people gather.

When they saw I was carrying a camcorder, they arrested me, took me to a side street and started hitting me.

They didn't talk, they just beat with their batons. Then they put me in a van, with hands tied and blindfolded.

There were lots of us in that car, lying on top of each other. It was really suffocating, really hot.

They kept me in for six hours, beating me, before releasing me. They took my ID cards, my camcorder, my money and cellphone.

Although the city is calm, the hearts of the people are not. They are looking for an opportunity to come again on the street and shout for their rights.

Hussein, 38, Tehran, via email

Not a lot of people are shouting from the rooftops anymore. After the Guardian Council declared Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the official winner most people stopped chanting.

After the protests I realised I should have voted for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Everything is back to normal and there are about 85% less police and army on the streets.

I voted for Mousavi because I wanted more freedom for my sisters and female relatives.

But after the protests I realised I should have voted for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad because those 17 and Neda - may she rest in peace - would have never died if he'd won.

The supreme leader and the Guardian Council which I support would never have been challenged and criticised, and from now on I will support the Ayatollah and the current government.

Mir-Hossein Mousavi should be punished for the trouble he caused. That's what people have started saying in Tehran.

Ali, Tehran, via email

Most of the shouting from the rooftops at night has been coming from the rich and middle class areas of Tehran. There's much less, if any, from the poor areas.

On Monday I was in Niavaran Park, a very expensive area. I heard people shouting 'Allahu Akbar' as you wouldn't believe!

Afterwards I wondered if it's because the rich have satellites and can watch foreign TV, so they are influenced by that. But the poor don't have satellites and just watch the normal government TV.

Friends tell me that if I see 'IR TCI', or 'IR-TCI' on the screen of my mobile, that means it's being monitored

On Tuesday night, after the Guardian Council confirmed the election results, I didn't hear anyone shout from the roofs in Tehranpars, my district of north east Tehran.

Please don't forget that many people like me don't shout 'Allahu Akbar' because they don't agree with the words. The current government came to power on that slogan in 1979.

In the Metro the police always used to sit in their office. Nowadays they are right in your face as you approach the escalators. It's quiet but it's not normal.

My friends tell me that if I see IR TCI, or IR-TCI on the screen of my mobile where the the network provider is normally displayed, that means it's being monitored by the government.

I think they record everyone's calls and then when someone is arrested they go and listen to them.

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